Sometimes motivational speakers make dreaming look easy and fun, when it is often anything but.
Dreaming is SCARY! Dreaming is synonymous with fear. It’s a necessary ingredient and you can’t remove it from the process. If you water down your dream until it is not so scary, then it becomes something comfortable, safe, and probably really close to what you are already doing. To reach a dream means that you have to cross over into the unknown, where there are no guarantees. You are creating something that didn’t exist before – that might not ever have existed. So of course this means risk. Of course it means it might not work the first time. In fact, it probably won’t. Of course, it means people will think you’re crazy and try to talk you out of it. And it means that while you have a vision, that vision might take a different shape as you get to closer to it.
If your dreams aren’t scary, they aren’t dreams.
So acknowledge the fear as a strength instead of a weakness. Embrace this fear. Own it. And move in spite of it. And remember that you will act it before you you feel it.
If you want to feel brave, then act brave. The feeling will follow.
Update as of April 22, 2013……still scared, but still dreaming big!