Motivational speakers know that it’s brave to show us who you are – but even more brave to show us who you were.
I share a blog with some other amazing women dreamers and one of them, Iman Woods, is a Pinup Photographer. In a recent blog post (which I have pasted below so you can read) she shares with us the “before” picture of one of her amazing photographs. I am always stunned at her work. This time I was stunned at her ability as an artist to be vulnerable and show me the work in the beginning stages. It would be like me walking on stage without any makeup.
As women, many of us work really hard at the “face” we show to the world – motivational speakers included. We want you to see who we are now. But one thing I have learned in life and in business, is that true impact comes when we have the courage to show the world who we used to be. I think that when we do this as speakers/artists/women, we really connect. And we meet other women in their place of vulnerability and brokenness. We see each other for who we really are. And see that it is beautiful.
And so today I applaud Iman – not for showing us who she is – but showing us who she was.
As you go out into the world to inspire and impact those around you – don’t always focus on who you are – give us a taste of who you were. You’ll be glad you did.
Iman’s Blog Post: